Witham and working with the environment

Here at Witham we pride ourselves on our commitment to drive down our footprint and work to help the environment, and recently we’ve taken another step in getting solar panels installed at our Lincoln HQ.


Despite the vast quantity of different products being manufactured and distributed by The Witham Group, our aim is always to operate within a climate of excellence. Not only in terms of service and procedures for customers but also for systems of product manufacture, the welfare and health and safety of all our employees and those affected by our activities and the Environment.

Oil and Paint production traditionally works within an industry where the use of additives, chemicals and energy is essential to the manufacturing process. However, the Witham Group is totally committed to ensuring that wherever and whenever possible, our activities including raw material purchasing, manufacturing and distribution, waste generation and disposal, and solar panel installation all help minimise the effect on the environment.

There are a number of action points we are using to help us in our commitment to working with the environment:

1. Comply with relevant environmental legislation and industry codes of practise, as a minimum level of performance.

2. Reduce the use and cost of energy across all premises by regularly reviewing energy efficient lighting, heating, ventilation, and cooling systems, insulation opportunities, water and other general energy and natural resource efficiencies.

3. Encourage and incentivise staff at all levels to identify new opportunities for energy saving, waste reduction and pollution control.

4. Review materials used in the packaging and production of products and wherever possible reduce environmental impact.

5. Reduce fuel use and seek efficiencies in the transportation and delivery of products to customers and suppliers.

6. Encourage customers to purchase lubrication products in bulk by assisting with bulk storage tanks and other incentives in order to reduce packaging and delivery emissions.

7. Use recycled and and reusable items as much as possible in the manufacturing, packaging, promotional, and distribution processes.

8. Use recycled paper, recycle waste paper, print cartridges, electronic equipment and reduce manufacturing waste wherever possible.

9. Regularly service and maintain all lorries, vans, and company cars to ensure fuel efficiency and reduce emissions.

10. Wherever possible select materials from third parties with the least environmental impact.

11. Use technology improvements to reduce paper communications to sutures and other associates of the business, such as online and email use for invoicing, statements, banking, internal and external communications.

12. Use teleconferencing facilities where possible to avoid travelling to meetings.

13. Train and update staff on all relevant environmental issue to ensures full participation.   

And our efforts have even attracted attention from the press in recent years…


Witham Environment 1    Witham Environment 2

And finally, a word from our Managing Director, Nigel Bottom:

“We recognise that promoting sustainability and the protecting the environment is of the utmost importance, not only for the here and now, but for the future of us all and our families”.

In a world where showing compassion and respect to our environment is of upmost importance we, as a company, are proud to be doing our part!

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