Our New Environmental Objectives for 2023/24

Our aim is always to operate within a climate of excellence. That means not only the best performing products and service but also our methods of manufacturing, energy use, waste disposal, packaging, fuel efficiency and welfare of those affected by our activities are being constantly monitored.

As part of our commitment to put the environment at the heart of what we do, we have reset our environmental objectives for the year ahead.

Promote the use of lanolin based, non-toxic and environmentally sensitive lubricants as alternatives to conventional products. In particular this year we have developed a new award winning Biodegradable Gun oil which is designed to protect and lubricate firearms for game and clay shooting but without all the nasties. Not only is it biodegradable but it is safe to waterways, agricultural land and forestry and non-carcinogenic for the user. Furthermore, we have introduced a new Calcium based grease as an excellent alternative to lithium based grease. The impact to the environment from the mining and extraction of lithium is considerable and with recent demand of lithium for the use of car batteries, this natural resource is now in limited supply across the planet. The Calcium based Anhydrous grease will be encouraged for use wherever applicable and possible.

Some of the Witham Environmentally Friendly Range

Promote the invention of carbon neutral blending process to the lubricant industry. We continue to invest in Blendtek – our unique, award winning ultrasound blending technology, which has reduced the need to heat lubricants using gas or other fossil fuels. This technology is now available to others to drastically reduce gas usage, carbon footprints and we will continue promote the use of this method and considerable benefits to other manufacturers and the environment.

Install new analytical equipment into our laboratory that will help to reduce the environment impact of our lubricant production.  The XRF machine is used to test lubricants and analyse the elemental composition of a lubricant sample.   This new valuable tool in lubricant testing helps to make sure the additive chemistry is present in the appropriate proportions to ensure the quality is correct for the various vehicle specifications and detect any contamination or abnormal wear that may affect the lubricant’s performance. Previously, to complete this analysis, we had to use the element argon – the production of which, like many industrial processes, can damage the landscape and environment.   The new XRF machine allows us to perform these tests, more accurately and without using argon so reducing the environmental impact. (2880 litres of argon a year were previously used) and the cost savings will also be significant. (Over £16k per year) based on 2022’s usage).

The new XRF machine is helping to reduce our environmental impact

Integrate what 3 words into ODOO and on our own company website to provide clear and precise locations for deliveries. This will help avoid needless miles by both distribution and sales team looking for places and the various options of access to deliveries.

Reduce the usage of paper and adhesive based labels – we have developed some software and developed a process to produce our own labels on an “on demand” basis rather than ordering hundreds of labels that may never be used. This will minimise wasted paper based adhesive labels when specifications change and reduce multiple deliveries of finished labels as all blanks can be sourced together from one supplier.

Reduce our delivery and picking order paperwork. We have developed a new software for the adoption of handheld digital devices which the production team can use for picking and fulfilling orders and the distribution team will use for all deliveries. This will be minimising the need to produce multiple paper copies (over 10,000 sheets of paper per year).

For more information about how what we are doing to help the environment, visit the ‘Witham and the Environment’ section of our website.


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