Witham Group wins multiple awards

Royal Warrant Holder, the Witham Group is celebrating after winning a series of different awards.

The company, which manufactures lubricants and distributes paints from its headquarters in Lincoln, Lincolnshire, and its other depots in Soham, Cambs and Lowestoft, Suffolk won awards for their exhibition stands at the county agricultural events recently. The Witham exhibition stand had a ‘Queens Green Canopy’ theme, which included an avenue of Alder trees, all tied with a royal purple ribbon. The trees were all planted up in Lincolnshire after the event. The exhibition stand featured, amongst its other displays, an area dedicated to the ‘Green Tractor Scheme’ – which promotes farm plastic waste collection and recycling throughout the UK.


The Witham exhibition stand had a ‘Queens Green Canopy’ theme, which included an avenue of Alder trees, all tied with a royal purple ribbon.
Green Tractor Scheme at the Lincolnshire Show
Witham’s stand featured an area dedicated to the ‘UK Green Tractor Scheme’ – which promotes farm plastic waste collection and recycling throughout the UK.
The Witham Group won three awards at the Lincolnshire Show in June.

Securing a hat-trick of triumphs at the Lincolnshire County Show, one of the Witham Group’s trophies was for the ‘New and Improved Innovation Award’ and was in recognition of its Witham ProLan range of environmentally sensitive lubricants.

Witham ProLan is an innovative, environmentally sensitive lubricant range that has been proven to protect and extend the life of agricultural plant, equipment, and machinery. Witham ProLan is manufactured using lanolin oil, derived from sheep’s wool and a blend of other natural oils. It is a powerful natural protector and offers a preventative shield which protects metal, wood, rubber and electrical components from moisture and corrosion without any petroleum-based chemicals. Non-toxic, food and water safe, Witham ProLan is a long lasting, high quality, environmental alternative to traditional protective lubricants.

Witham’s ProLan range of environmentally sensitive lubricants won the ‘New and Improved Innovation’ award at the Lincolnshire Show

The Witham Group also won ‘Business of the Year’ at the Lincolnshire Business Excellence Awards in the summer, finishing ahead of 200 other entrants. The company was recognised for its sustainability efforts. It is the first lubricant company to have a carbon neutral blending process, thanks to its new unique Ultrasound blending system which removes the need to use traditional gas and oil-fired boilers for heat energy, plus shortens the physical time to blend all material to a finished product.

Witham win Business of the Year at the Lincolnshire Business Excellence Awards
Witham Group won the ‘Business of the Year’ at the Lincolnshire Business Excellence Awards at the end of May.
Witham Group is the first lubricant company to have a carbon neutral blending process, thanks to its new unique Ultrasound blending system.

Witham Group Managing Director, Nigel R Bottom, said:

“We are super proud to have created a greener culture within our business. This means not only offering the best performing environmental products and services, but also our methods of manufacturing, energy use, waste disposal, packaging, fuel efficiency, storage solutions and welfare of those affected by our activities. We have all been changed and are constantly monitoring our progress to improve further.

As a reputable manufacturer and supplier of lubricants and paint products, we are making a real difference to our industry, by offering a unique package of sustainable credentials, which in turn supports our customers to reach their own sustainability goals.”

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