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We've reduced the amount of gas used in our manufacturing process by over 90%

Energy Savings

We are committing to saving energy wherever possible and have developed innovative ways to reduce our fossil fuel usage. We have installed solar panels to the enormous surface areas of the roofs of our factory and depots. This helps generate new power to heat and light our buildings and the energy we use within them.

We harvest rainwater and use it to wash and clean our vehicles and other equipment throughout the year.

We have had PIR lighting installed everywhere to ensure no lights are on unless they need to be.

We have reduced the amount of gas used in our manufacturing process by over 90% thanks to new technology and a unique new method of manufacturing and blending our products using ultrasound.


Using the latest technology we have developed an Energy Dashboard which monitors our energy use and the savings we have made. For the past 5 years we have been able to record the ongoing energy use across the business and aim to reduce output where we can. We also regularly review the efficiencies of lighting, heating, ventilation and cooling systems, insulation opportunities, water use, and other general energy and natural resources.



We have installed vital energy saving solar panels at our depots to help reduce the amount of energy used in our manufacturing process.



Water resources are already under pressure and many scenarios predict a future with less water available for people, businesses and ecosystems.

Witham Group takes its water useage very seriously. Our manufacturing process does not use a huge amount of water however, we have looked at what we do use and monitor carefully how we can save water wherever possible.

Nearly a third of the drinking water piped into our homes goes straight into the sewer. For example Britians's 45 million lavatories flush away two billion litres of water every day. The Witham Group is committed to reducing this waste and harvests rainwater from our roof to wash the company's vehicle fleet.

The amount of water we harvest is significant and we save on average 38,400 litres a year, enough to:

To find out more about how our Technical Innovations are helping improve our Energy Savings click here


Proud Of Our Environmental Credentials

Witham Group are proud to have been awarded the ISO 14001:2015 standard, which sets out the requirements for an approved environmental management system that we operate within our business and we continue to work hard every year improving things further with our environmental objectives.

To find out more about all that we are doing to help the environment please click here or download our Environmental & Sustainability Policy